Php scripts to display photos, their times, maps and captions
A Java API that processes a two dimensional array of Strings.
Leap Motion Data to MIDI and OSC mapper.
Efficient JAVA object serialization
Transport Giant Config Editor
Simple Scientific Workflow System for CAGE Analysis
A complete, fully tested and documented data structure library
A stream editor in java that can handle text/binary formats
MCEdit: World Editor for Minecraft
Tiny but powerful tool to manage a dedicated GMod server.
SPatial Analysis With self-organizing Neural Networks
reading and editing for 1f42 maps
Fast and robust map analyser for Brood War.
C++11 serialization library
A java middleware for HPC and IoT
Displays Ancestor Events on Google maps
Astronomical planetarium SW
The software allows to define and publish delocalized commodity Hubs
Container library (lists, arrays, strings, etc. ) in C under UEFI
A map maker via online map services
Utility for software systems specifications