Lion's Launchpad on Leopard and Snow Leopard
Portable WAMP Server Kit
Small desktop clock with time, date, and weather.
Yet another hacky, bad emulator of a terminal inferface
A tiny OS from sratch in asm
Small, Light Linux Distro
Write Anywhere On the Screen
ATMSP - A Tiny Mathematical Speed Parser
Small utility to enable trace on demand for Siebel CRM.
Freelancer tiny ERP and calendar
A tiny wheezy Distribution for Raspberry PI
PHPIDS-based Security Log Analyzer for Apache
Tiny library for RTP Voice
A simple URL shortener
BitTorrent Sync Communicator
Simply shut down your Win11/10 PC within the given times. Simple!
A tiny "guess what I'm thinking about" game, or an identifier.
A Boot to the web linux distro based on tiny core
Tiny password manager and generator