Web app to cross-check publication/authorship against CrossRef
NanoSurface Analyzertool is designed for the STM image analysis
LDCT is a cross-platform tool for common speaker design calculations.
Advanced mission simulation and analysis tool
Program to design crosswords
ECTk - The electrochemical tool kit
RFI detector and quality analysis for astronomical radio observations
ICMP-based network bandwidth measurement tool
Helps with the Mach3 CNC Threading functionality
Software Monitoring Framework
Ethr is a comprehensive network measurement tool for TCP, UDP & ICMP
Lomb_Scargle periodogram
python library for shock response spectrum (SRS) analysis.
RSSceSim - Reputation System Scenario Simulator
Test and measurement automation for electronics, physics and more
The Modular Pipeline for the Analysis of CRISPR screens
open source python packages for X-ray MicroLaue Diffraction analysis
A measurement tool for windows, in terms of Centimeters, Inches, etc..
Calyp is an open-source raw video player for image/video analysis
ReViMS, a 3D volume rendering tool for light-sheet/confocal microscopy
AntibiogramJ is a Java program for the reading of antibiogram-images