Search Results for "matlab 3d reconstruction" - Page 2

Showing 147 open source projects for "matlab 3d reconstruction"

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  • Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta Icon
    Our Free Plans just got better! | Auth0 by Okta

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  • 1
    This project contains an open-source implementation of an OPT platform. The 3D-printable components are provided to built your customized sample stage. We offer our open source MATLAB software with an GUI for OPT imaging. We developed a generalized automated workflow including a two-step registration approach for correcting the center of rotation and provide accurate and high-quality 3D reconstruction. *Here we provide the raw tomography videos recorded using the zOPT hardware...
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  • 2
    Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing

    Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing

    Checkpoint/Restart functionality for Linux processes

    DMTCP (Distributed MultiThreaded Checkpointing) transparently checkpoints a single-host or distributed computation in user-space -- with no modifications to user code or to the O/S. It works on most Linux applications, including Python, Matlab, R, GUI desktops, MPI, etc. It is robust and widely used (on Sourceforge since 2007). Among the applications supported by DMTCP are MPI (various implementations), OpenMP, MATLAB, Python, Perl, R, and many programming languages and shell scripting...
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  • 3
    We provided a normal method to fit 2/3D open or closed curves. With fitting results, we can make morphometric analyses of some samples. If you have any questions, please contact Shengmin Zhou(email: or If you want to download this project and use it, please cite the paper: Zhou, S., Li, B. & Nie, H. Parametric fitting and morphometric analysis of 3D open curves based on discrete cosine transform. Zoomorphology (2021).
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  • 4

    Multiview 3D Drawing

    3D reconstruction pipeline based on general curve features

    Reconstruct general 3D scenes using a curve drawing-based approach from ECCV 2016: "From Multiview Image Curves to 3D Drawings"
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  • Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source. Icon
    Smart Monitoring for Any Network. Powered by Open Source.

    Trusted by thousands of IT teams worldwide

    NMIS helps with fault, performance, and configuration management. It provides performance graphs, threshold alerting, and detailed notification policies with various methods. NMIS monitors an organization’s IT environment, helps identify and rectify faults, and provides valuable information for IT planning.
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  • 5


    Interactive visualization of plate tectonics.

    GPlates is a plate-tectonics program. Manipulate reconstructions of geological and paleo-geographic features through geological time. Interactively visualize vector, raster and volume data. PyGPlates is the GPlates Python library. Get fine-grained access to GPlates functionality in your Python scripts.
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  • 6
    QtiPlot is a user-friendly, platform independent data analysis and visualization application similar to the non-free Windows program Origin.
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  • 7


    A virtual reality tool for mathematical modeling

    ...+. Scientists, researchers, and other professionals who implement calculus in their work may rely on more complex toolkits like MATLAB. Though these tools offer broader functionality, they are similarly if not more unintuitive than their handheld counterparts. Calcflow shatters this interfacial bottleneck by enabling users to interact directly with complex equations in physical space. Users can manipulate inputs and parameters and observe changes to 3D visualizations in realtime.
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  • 8


    3D cell reconstruction and quantitative analysis based on OME data

    For big OME data analysis, we integrate commonly used quantitative methods, describe our novel strategies to quantify and analyze biological markers related to the cell or organelle spatial-coordinate model, and present open-source OME-3-Dimensional Reconstruction (OME-3DR), a flexible, programmable and batch-oriented tool based on OME data, for reconstructing 3-dimensional (3D) spatial conformations and conducting further analyses, such as the identification, counting, localization...
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  • 9


    GUI for fitting 3D single-molecule images using the double-helix PSF

    This package of MATLAB routines with accompanying GUI allows scientific users to measure the 3D location of single molecules when using the double-helix point spread function (DH-PSF) widefield microscope. Version 2 also includes code that facilitates combining localization data from two spectral channels using a locally-weighted quadratic 3D registration function Features - Double-Gaussian estimator is calibrated via an axial scan of bright immobile fluorescent emitters (e.g. beads) - DH...
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  • The Ultimate Quiz Maker & Engagement Platform Icon
    The Ultimate Quiz Maker & Engagement Platform

    Powering publishers, brands, and sports teams with 30+ interactive content types. Maximize engagement and revenue with Riddle.

    Riddle is an online platform for creating interactive content such as quizzes, surveys, personality tests, prediction games, and leaderboards. Our customers create content on our platform and then embed it on their website. The goal? Increased engagement, lead generation, segmentation, and content monetization - all 100% GDPR compliant.
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  • 10


    3D reconstruction of ancient cross-shaped church in the woods

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  • 11


    Cortical Thickness of brain by Zones

    CorThiZon is a Matlab toolbox. MRI 3D T1 images are treated to estimate cortical thickness by zones in native and normalized space. It uses a Laplace-based technique following brain segmentation. Results can be easily reported in Excel files for further statistical analysis. If you use this toolbox, please reference: ‘Early diagnostic of Alzheimer’s disease using cortical thickness: impact of cognitive reserve', Querbes O, Aubry F, Pariente J, Lotterie JA, Démonet JF, Duret V, Puel M...
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  • 12


    ReViMS, a 3D volume rendering tool for light-sheet/confocal microscopy

    Reconstruction and Visualization from Multiple Sections (ReViMS), an open-source, user-friendly software for automatically estimating volume and several other features of 3D multicellular aggregates (i.e., cancer spheroid, zebrafish, fruit fly). ReViMS requires a z-stack of 2D binary masks, obtained by segmenting a sequence of fluorescent images acquired by scanning the aggregate along the z axis, using a confocal or a light-sheet fluorescent microscope. It provides a number of tools...
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  • 13


    A platform for decoding regulatory somatic mutations in human cancers

    ... determined using three-dimensional (3D) chromatin looping. Herein, we present OncoBase (, an integrated database for annotating regulatory noncoding somatic mutations in human cancers by exploring their roles in distal interactions between target genes and regulatory elements. OncoBase integrates local chromatin signatures, 3D chromatin interactions in different cell types and reconstruction of enhancer-target networks using state-of-the-art algorithms.
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  • 14
    lottie vectors

    lottie vectors

    Create, display and process 2D vectors in a 3D window.

    Lottie Vectors is an application for Matlab that alows you to do some pretty neat things -with vectors. More exactly -displaying them in ways that hopefully will allow you to explore and better understand your vector data. The basic idea is simple, take a vector defined in one of a few different types of data formats and map it on the screen. Add another vector and you start to form a 'route'. Each route or position vector can be accompanied with a 'force' vector. This can be used to show...
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  • 15
    Toolbox for handling X-ray transmission image data collected using the Xradia TXM system. We are constantly updating the code to implement other file formats as well - suggestions are welcome. Main articles: -) TXM-Wizard: a program for advanced data collection and evaluation in full-field transmission X-ray microscopy, Journal of Synchrotron Radiation, 19, 281-287. (2012) -) 3D elemental sensitive imaging using transmission X-ray...
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  • 16
    Matlab/Octave Rotations Library

    Matlab/Octave Rotations Library

    Library for working with 3D rotations in Matlab/Octave

    The Matlab/Octave rotations library is a collection of functions, bundled as m-scripts, that address computations and numerical handling of rotations in 3D Euclidean space. The rotation representations that are supported are rotation matrices (Rotmat), Quaternions (Quat), intrinsic ZYX Euler angles (Euler), fused angles (Fused) and tilt angles (Tilt). Operations such as composition, inversion, ZYX yaw extraction, fused yaw extraction, random generation, equality detection, vector rotation...
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  • 17
    MatNMR is a highly flexible toolbox for processing 1D and 2D NMR/EPR spectra in MATLAB and creating high-quality 1D, 2D or 3D plots. Fully GUI and/or script-based.
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  • 18


    high-performance nonlinear least squares solver for graph problems

    SLAM++ is a minimalist implementation of incremental nonlinear least squares, containing lighting fast implementation of linear algebra on sparse block matrices. It is aimed for use in 3D reconstruction or robotics.
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  • 19


    Particle Image Velocimetry

    JPIV is a platform independent, graphical stand-alone application for Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) written in Java. PIV is an optical technique for measuring fluid flow velocities. JPIV moved to GitHub. Please visit us at:
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  • 20


    A MATLAB program for 2D particle tracking or 3D DHM based tracking.

    We present a versatile and fast MATLAB program (UmUTracker) that automatically detects and tracks particles by analyzing long video sequences acquired by either light microscopy or digital holography microscopy (DHM). Our program finds the 2D particle center position using an isosceles triangle transform and the axial position by a fast implementation of Rayleigh-Sommerfeld numerical reconstruction algorithm using a one dimensional radial intensity profile. *Updates v1.1: 2017/11/21- Bug...
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  • 21
    Rotations Conversion Library

    Rotations Conversion Library

    Library for working with 3D rotations in C++

    The Rotations Conversion Library (RCL) is a collection of C++ functions that address common computations and numerical handling of rotations in 3D Euclidean space, including support for rotation matrices (`Rotmat`), Quaternions (`Quat`), intrinsic ZYX Euler angles (`Euler`), fused angles (`Fused`) and tilt angles (`Tilt`). In addition to the core competency of being able to convert between each of the representations, operations such as inversion, ZYX yaw extraction, fused yaw extraction...
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  • 22
    Pter0dacty is a programmed version of the NACA Technical Report 572 to determinate the characteristics of tapered wings.
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  • 23
    Matlab Toolbox EyeX

    Matlab Toolbox EyeX

    Matlab Toolbox for Tobii EyeX Tracker

    NEWS Do you want to Eye Movement Analysis? Identify saccades and fixations? Compute the saliency maps? Compute the Main Sequence? A Matlab Toolbox is ready for that: NEWS The toolbox now also works with the EYEX SDK and with Tobii 4C! Just plug it, turn it on (see the red lights) and run the script! CREDITS A. Gibaldi, M. Vanegas, P.J. Bex, G. Maiello. Evaluation of the Tobii EyeX Eye tracking controller and Matlab toolkit for research, Behavior...
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  • 24


    Converts MATLAB®/Octave figures to TikZ/pgfplots figures

    matlab2tikz is a MATLAB(R) script to convert native MATLAB(R) figures to TikZ/Pgfplots figures that integrate seamlessly in LaTeX documents. matlab2tikz supports the conversion of most MATLAB figures, including 2D and 3D plots. For plots constructed with third-party packages, your mileage may vary. Sometimes, MATLAB makes it hard to create matching LaTeX plots by keeping invisible objects around or stretching the plots too far beyond the bounding box.
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  • 25


    NMR spectrum fitting software

    NOW COMPILED FOR USERS WITHOUT A MATLAB LICENSE! Download INFOS_comp_***.zip. INFOS is a set of programs for fitting NMR spectra in MATLAB. INFOS improves on existing methods by calculating peak shapes using acquisition and processing parameters, therefore leading to better fits. Additionally, INFOS can determine the peak list for fitting, by using iterative refinement of the list in order to improve the fit without overfitting. INFOS also can be used to analyze error of fit parameters, can...
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