Checkpoint/Restart functionality for Linux processes
3D reconstruction pipeline based on general curve features
Interactive visualization of plate tectonics.
A virtual reality tool for mathematical modeling
3D cell reconstruction and quantitative analysis based on OME data
GUI for fitting 3D single-molecule images using the double-helix PSF
3D reconstruction of ancient cross-shaped church in the woods
Cortical Thickness of brain by Zones
ReViMS, a 3D volume rendering tool for light-sheet/confocal microscopy
A platform for decoding regulatory somatic mutations in human cancers
Create, display and process 2D vectors in a 3D window.
Library for working with 3D rotations in Matlab/Octave
high-performance nonlinear least squares solver for graph problems
Particle Image Velocimetry
A MATLAB program for 2D particle tracking or 3D DHM based tracking.
Library for working with 3D rotations in C++
Matlab Toolbox for Tobii EyeX Tracker
Converts MATLAB®/Octave figures to TikZ/pgfplots figures
NMR spectrum fitting software