Manage translation and localization with static analysis, for Ruby i18
Translate your Go program into multiple languages
All in one i18n extension for VS Code
Internationalization plugin for Vue.js
Implementation of the C++ from_chars functions for number types
A flexible forms validation and rendering library for Python
Dead simple Object schema validation
High-performance fake data generator for Python
A declarative website generator designed for high-quality websites
Window hooker to run fullscreen programs in window and much more...
An essential 32-64bit localized IDE for Assembly Language with Debuger
Save Pictures from the web
ArchEX is a new (240509/240101) Linux live System based on Arch Linux.
ExLight 64bit Linux Live System with Enlightenment 0.25.4
Nav FTP, permette di accedere ad un host FTP come un "esplora risorse"
Custom Live CD Debian, Ubuntu
per lo svolgimento e la visualizzazione di funzioni tridimensionali
Do calculations, annotate it like you would on a paper "qwikly".
Asril OS dikembangkan oleh Asril Marhamah & Tim Pengembang Asril OS
Java templating solution with passive templates.
It helps you track your personal budget and visualises income/expenses
A C++ library for AVR and NodeMCU
Software per Call Center
KakOS, la importancia de la funcionalidad.