Private file archive (Dropbox, iCloud, etc alike)
MySQL Incremental Backup - Point In Time Recovery
A small bash script that creates daily incremental backups
Portable multi-platform backup tool with advanced features
A virtual infrastructure without the dedicated physical infrastructure
Create incremental backups
Sedna is a native full-featured XML database management system.
Back up your files into zip and encrypted zip files.
A backup script designed for CMS like Typo3, Wordpress and many more
Automated Backup and Restore
forever incremental hard disk based backups
Tools to perform local backup and recovery
Free Linux backup tool *
Content Based File level Data Backup in Python
Incremtal backup tool supporting removable storage devices
q: integrated platform for pipeline configuration and management
Easy, fast, and lightweight backup and synchronization app for Windows
Linux device image backup: simple and free.
backup system using dar