Not your usual Architectural Modeler
Chatterbox made by Rinoscar, inc. in c#
a java zip utility
A bash gui for Yaourt
JAVA API to write MS Word 2007/2010 docx documents
Source Code for eBook ISBN 978-3-907857-19-9
Open source script to identify IO-constrained MS SQL Server databases
A respin of manjaro linux with i3 as window manager.
Software Sekolahan Versi 1.1.13
Continuation of BasicNES, a Visual Basic Nes emulator
This program allows you to explore the history of connecting usb drive
This tool is vc2010 project wizard for xpcom component develop.
MappingMaster - Way to SAP PI Mapping documentation
Bandwidth Monitoring Tool; Console SNMP traffic monitor
Framework for a graphical point and click adventure game in Java
A Windows Gadget For Monitoring, Managing, and Playing Minecraft!
Sensible batch renaming of downloaded TV files
SecQua tries to quantify the security of a given Information System
Functional Architectures for Systems with SysML - Plugin for EA
ATG Repository Modeler