A modern library for 3D data processing
A python module for scientific analysis of 3D data
3D fractal rendering software
Support for legacy OpenGL in core profiles
Java3d scenegraph editor
Realtime raytracer using SIMD on ARM, MIPS, PPC and x86
Rayshade raytracer
ThreeJS + VueJS 3 + ViteJS
Growth-grammar related Interactive Modelling Platform
Shadow mapping in Qt3D using C++
A tool for creating models for the DelphiDoom Engine
A declarative 3D globe data visualization library built with Three.js
dynamic server-side rendering using headless Chrome
3D Software Renderer in 700 Lines
Galaxy extraterrestrial life simulation
3D .NET engine for Windows, Linux, Mac
A public domain cross platform 3D game
kicad 3D is aimed to add 3D realistic feature on kicad pcb CAD
Gimpel3D - 2D/3D Stereo Conversion Editor