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  • Modified a comment on discussion Getting Started on openPOWERLINK

    Hi everyone! I have several devices in powerlink network. All of them are openpowerlink based. Two devices are RMN others are CN. First RMN node in active state (AMN) the secon one in standby state (SMN). I need to change RMN state in my application sometimes. For example, AMN node should become SMN (stop soc sending), and SMN node should become AMN (start soc sending). Is there a way to do it from user layer in openpowerlink? Regards, Vasily

  • Posted a comment on discussion Getting Started on openPOWERLINK

    Hi everyone! I have several devices in powerlink network. All of them are openpowerlink based. Two devices are RMN others are CN. First RMN node in active state (AMN) the secon one in standby state (SMN). I need to change RMN state in my application sometimes. For example, AMN node should become SMN (stop soc sending), and SMN node should become AMN (start soc sending). It there a way to do it from user layer? Regards, Vasily

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2015-11-24 10:16:40


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