User Activity

  • Created ticket #1291 on NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

    LogicLib ${Switch} will not compile with /SAFEPPO

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1165 on NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

    Following the upgrade to NSIS v3.07 in the Homebrew formula, we have applied a workaround that allows compiling Unicode installers in their test environment (Docker through GitHub Actions). Following Emmet's advice, we checked the values of the locale and set it explicitly to en_GB.UTF-8. As a result, the Unicode installer compiles fine. As a follow-up, I tested the following: # Manipulate the default locale $ export LC_ALL=C $ export LANG=C # Compile Unicode installer $ makensis -X"Outfile /dev/null"...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #1165 on NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

    Coming back to this with a series of tests Example Script OutFile "file_name.exe" Unicode true Section "" SectionEnd Tests Homebrew # Update Homebrew, remove NSIS, clean-up $ brew update && brew remove makensis && brew clean # Install NSIS $ brew install makensis # Print version $ /usr/local/bin/makensis -VERSION v3.06.1 # Print header info $ /usr/local/bin/makensis -HDRINFO Size of first header is 28 bytes. Size of main header is 300 bytes. Size of each section is 4120 bytes. Size of each page is...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #1165 on NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

    Coming back to this with a series of tests Example Script OutFile "file_name.exe" Unicode true Section "" SectionEnd Tests Homebrew # Update Homebrew, remove NSIS, clean-up $ brew update && brew remove makensis && brew clean # Install NSIS $ brew install makensis # Print version $ /usr/local/bin/makensis -VERSION v3.06.1 # Print header info $ /usr/local/bin/makensis -HDRINFO Size of first header is 28 bytes. Size of main header is 300 bytes. Size of each section is 4120 bytes. Size of each page is...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #1165 on NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

    Coming back to this with a series of tests Example Script OutFile "file_name.exe" Unicode true Section "" SectionEnd Tests Homebrew # Update Homebrew, remove NSIS, clean-up $ brew update && brew remove makensis && brew clean # Install NSIS $ brew install makensis # Print version $ /usr/local/bin/makensis -VERSION v3.06.1 # Print header info $ /usr/local/bin/makensis -HDRINFO Size of first header is 28 bytes. Size of main header is 300 bytes. Size of each section is 4120 bytes. Size of each page is...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1165 on NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

    Coming back to this with a series of tests Example Script OutFile "file_name.exe" Unicode true Section "" SectionEnd Tests Homebrew # Update Homebrew, remove NSIS, clean-up $ brew update && brew remove makensis && brew clean # Install NSIS $ brew install makensis # Print version $ /usr/local/bin/makensis -VERSION v3.06.1 # Print header info $ /usr/local/bin/makensis -HDRINFO Size of first header is 28 bytes. Size of main header is 300 bytes. Size of each section is 4120 bytes. Size of each page is...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1165 on NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

    I've built the Homebrew formula for makensis with those environment variables set, but the problem persists. I'm wondering why the MacPorts version compiles the script just fine.

  • Modified a comment on ticket #1257 on NSIS: Nullsoft Scriptable Install System

    How about an additional check: if realpath equals basename, then use realpath with --relative-to=(pwd) flag. Actually, would it hurt to always use this flag?

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2002-09-25 09:33:56


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