User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #123 on opencsv

    I would have suggested writing to a StringWriter first This is not a good idea in general. StringWriter uses StringBuffer which contais char[] array for caching output. Each array is allocated as one memory block. If there is not enough space for that block, GC has move away small objects and create space, so it could have a significant impact on performace, and on busy server it could create OutOfMemory Alternately, you could simply bypass the whole operation if your input list is empty. My real...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #123 on opencsv

    Sorry, there was a misunderstanding. I've said nothing about Excepion handling during bean persistence. My goal is : I've a List<beana> </beana> each BeanA consist of atributes List<beanb> bList, List<beanc> cList, LIst<beand> dList ... each BeanA a has to be saved do one directory each a.bList has to be saved in file bfile.csv each a.cList has to be saved in file cfile.csv each a.dList has to be saved in file dfile.csv * some of that list could be empty ( and none of them produce a Exception )</beand></beanc></beanb>...

  • Created ticket #123 on opencsv

    Feature Request for StatefulBeanToCsv : new method getWrittenCount()

  • Created merge request #25 on opencsv

    Proposed implementation for Feature Request 122

  • Committed [e929c4]

    #122:Proposed interface CsvToBeanErrorFilter

  • Committed [214e6c]

    #122:Proposed implementation CsvToBeanErrorFilter

  • Created ticket #122 on opencsv

    Feature Request for CsvToBean : Error Listener for parsing exception

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2000-10-16 12:46:06


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