User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2720 on Freeplane

    Sure. It happened again today. Here the contents of the log file: STDOUT: Jan 04, 2020 2:15:42 PM org.freeplane.core.util.LogUtils info INFO: freeplane_version = 1.7.10; freeplane_xml_version = freeplane 1.7.0 git revision = 34e2242e73d5cf0190a189ef0a60e95b983a3bf1 Dimitry Polivaev 2019-10-25T18:36:32Z java_version = 1.8.0_232; os_name = Linux; os_version = 4.19.84-1-lts STDOUT: Jan 04, 2020 2:15:47 PM org.freeplane.core.util.LogUtils info INFO: added parsing support for standard date format M/d/yy...

  • Created ticket #2720 on Freeplane

    simplyHTML logo stays on screen when Freeplane starts

  • Created ticket #2719 on Freeplane

    FilenNotFoundException & Add Image... deactivated

  • Created ticket #2484 on Freeplane

    Tables (HTML / Spreadsheet) within node

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2667 on Freeplane

    Thanks for the reponse! I use Linux and the Freeplane folder is here: ~/config/freeplane/1.7.x/ but I couldn't find this option there. Howevere I did find the option within this script: /usr/share/freeplane/ "${JAVACMD}" -Xmx512m\ "-Dorg.freeplane.userfpdir=$userfpdir"\ "-Dorg.freeplane.old_userfpdir=$old_userfpdir"\ "-Dorg.freeplane.globalresourcedir=${freedir}/resources"\ "-Dswing.systemlaf=javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel"\ $JAVA_OPTS\ $xdockname\ -jar "${freedir}/freeplanelauncher.jar"\...

  • Created ticket #2675 on Freeplane

    Can't reuse color code in Note - Select Color - Color Name

  • Modified ticket #2667 on Freeplane

    STDERR: Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0"

  • Modified ticket #2480 on Freeplane

    Tab support for notes (SimplyHTML) [Question]

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2011-10-28 12:27:44


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