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  • Posted a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker on facetracknoir

    Hi! thanks for the quick reply. I was reading other posts and realized that this can't be done without upgrading the app first! So now it works. I'm not sure if I'll keep it because it seems that it adds quite a bit of lag to the movements.... I tried wireless and usb, not a big difference. Could be my phone or is this expected?

  • Posted a comment on discussion FacePoseApp smartphone tracker on facetracknoir

    Hi guys! I already bough FaceTrackNoIR, and this app seems to fit my needs exactly. The tracking info displayed seems ok, but I can't get it connected to the computer. Using the Droid USB test tool I can see that the device is detected, but once I set the tracker source in facetracknoir to Android Usb, I can't get any data. In the settings of the plugin, it says "tracker active: NO" I also tried via wireless, but same problem!

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2003-06-10 17:35:20


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