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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help and Feedback on smina

    Hi David, Thank you for the clarifications. What is the recommended way to go? Can I safely use the multi-molecule SDF as input in just one dockign run? If not, how to safely convert SDF to PDBQT, with '" from AutoDock Tools? I currently do that with OpenBabel. Best, Thomas

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help and Feedback on smina

    I am really troubled by the output of Smina. One of the its greatest advantages over Vina was that there is no need to convert to PDBQT, Smina can read in a multi-mol SDF file for example and dock every compound onto the receptor. Below I demonstrate that: the docking poses and energies obtain from SDF input are different than from PDBQT input although I use the same --seed and parameter values. the protonations of the output files are also different, although I use '--addH off' to prevent the code...

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2008-11-07 22:33:10
Prague / Czech Republic / CEST


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