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  • Posted a comment on discussion Jamulus Software on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    Hi, very good and informative page, by the way! I would suggest the fist sentence to be: "Select the number of audio channels to be used for communication between client and server ." Thanks! tarmo

  • Posted a comment on discussion Jamulus Software on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    Oh, I discovered that I answered via e-mail and somehow it did not get posted here. So I paste from my outbox: Hi! Pure Stereo, if I use Mono-In/Stereo Out, there is no panning effect whatsoever, sound stays in the center. Also I am a bit confused what Mono-In stands for - is it the input from sound card or input channel of server (steam from client to server) or input of the stream coming back from server? And Stereo out - is it out from my client app to my soundcard or out to server? To me most...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    Thanks! To be sure - does v3.4.6 server works with older clients? Does it make sense to update (performance-wise)? tarmo

  • Posted a comment on discussion Jamulus Software on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    Hi, Thanks for the great software! I would like to have some panning to every player so it creates a nice stereo panorama. It should be possible, if every playes setr his own agreed panning in the client. Some findings and problems, I encountered: It is possible, if the mode is stereo, and one input of sound interface goes to BOTH inputs of Jamulus ( I did it with QJackCtl) AND the panning is NOT completely hard left or right. When I had connections input 1 (mike) -> Jamulus 1, input 2 (nothing)...

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2010-05-30 20:26:15


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