User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #185 on gSOAP Toolkit

    The generated soapC.cpp has also a timestamp in it. It is in the source code and thus leads to trouble with ccache in our environment. See for example where SOAP_SOURCE_STAMP("@(#) soapC.cpp ver 2.8.135 2024-07-01 20:02:42 GMT") is written to the cpp file. Please also replace the timestamp there. The provided path is only for the wsdl2h executable not for soapcpp2. Please add support to soapcpp2 also. Thanks.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #115 on SDC

    My conclusion from what I understand: The report part operation target is only relevant for create and to avoid any trouble in that case only one state creation is allowed at a time. In all other cases the content of the report part operation target should be ignored.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #249 on SDC

    SOAP 1.2 uses XML infoset for its messages. XML Infoset has order ("An ordered list of child information items, in document order.") Furthermore XML infoset says "This specification describes the information set resulting from parsing an XML document. " leads to the conclusion that the order of XML elements is important and an XML processort is NOT allowed to reorder.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #116 on SDC

    Is it allowed to have a SSA entry for Manifestation="Tan" in case there is no tangible alert signal in the alert system? Is it allowed to be in any state On, Psd, or Off?

  • Modified ticket #115 on SDC

    C.77 OperationInvokedReportPart and multi-state updates

  • Created ticket #118 on SDC

    B.440 MeasurementValidity

  • Created ticket #117 on SDC

    B.128 SystemSignalActivation event/duration requirement

  • Created ticket #116 on SDC

    B.128 Multiple SystemSignalActivation with same Manifestation

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Personal Data

2007-12-17 09:28:37
Germany / CEST


This is a list of open source software projects that steph96 is associated with:

  • SDC SDC facilitates development of dist. systems of medical devices. Last Updated:

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