User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on Art of Illusion

    You're right, this still involves rigging. It does look like an interesting method. Here's my understanding after a quick look at the paper. Conventionally you have a mesh describing the surface geometry and a skeleton describing the pose. They add a third element: a "curvenet", which is made up of intersecting curves and which you can think of as a lower resolution version of the mesh. It's much more flexible to work with though. For example, it doesn't need to have any particular topology. Holes,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on Art of Illusion

    This is one of those things that varies a lot between operating systems and file systems. For example, on Linux if you delete a file while you (or a different process) have an open file handle for it, the file doesn't actually get deleted right away. It's no longer visible in the file system, but no data actually gets deleted until the last open handle is closed. But on Windows, it will instead throw an exception, telling you it can't delete a file that's currently open. That's different from what...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on Art of Illusion

    A Java File object is really just a path name. Don't think of it as directly representing an OS level file handle. A translation has to happen when talking to the OS. If you repeatedly refer to the same file path, it's likely the same file handle will get used each time, whether it's done with a single File object or different ones.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Art of Illusion

    Good idea. Be sure you do it in a way that doesn't alter the light distribution. Equal numbers of photons should be sent from every point on the source, even if some of the objects you're shooting toward are larger than others, and even if they overlap.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Art of Illusion

    I kind of hate the fact that we have Groovy in the first place. Adding it was kind of necessary. Beanshell was an abandoned project. It hadn't been updated in years. It had terrible performance and no prospect of ever improving. We really needed an actively maintained scripting language with good performance, and Groovy was by far the best choice available. Today I would choose Kotlin, but it wasn't a choice at the time. I'm glad to see Beanshell has been revived and is getting developed again. But...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Art of Illusion

    Do you mean for use as a texture? SVG files can be loaded like any other image. In the Images window, click "Load" and select your file.

  • Committed [r74]

    Updated version number to 2.3.2

  • Committed [r73]

    Attempt at fixing occasional NullPointerException

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2000-09-10 17:48:09


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