User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on AtomicJ

    Recently, I published a detailed description of simple approximations of load - indentation depth relationship for thin layers indented with conical, paraboloidal (often referred to as"spherical"), cylindrical and blunt conical tips . Their error, relative to to the exact solutions of the problem of frictionless indentation for a thin, linear elastic layer, is negligible. These approximations are implemented in AtomicJ as Lebedev - Chebyshev equations. The paper is available here (please write to...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on AtomicJ

    Recently, we published a paper in Review of Scientific Instruments about AtomicJ....

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2013-02-12 19:00:22


This is a list of open source software projects that Pawel Hermanowicz is associated with:

  • Project Logo AtomicJ Application for analysis of AFM data Last Updated: