User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1 on The FMI++ Library

    Moving to github would be a great step to welcome external contributions. Github or gitlab or bitbucklet, they all make it very easy to fork a project, craft a set of patches and submit them to the original author. SourceForge makes the life more complicated for external contributors that just pass by, and don't want to become a regular contributor. That being said, it's not because you go to github/gitlab/bitbucklet that armies of contributors studendly appear, I know that. But at least, it reduces...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1 on The FMI++ Library

    Yes please! github, gitlab, bitbucklet, anything but not sourcefoge! Thanks

  • Created ticket #621 on Sweet Home 3D

    Sourceforge adds addware to the SH3D windows installer

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Personal Data

2000-10-05 13:05:26


This is a list of open source software projects that Martin Quinson is associated with:

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