User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #26 on KeePassSync

    Alright well repo history was partially recovered. I went ahead and rewrote most of the Amazon S3 implementation to use their SDK and it is working. I haven't had a chance to make a PLGX release but it is up at:

  • Posted a comment on ticket #26 on KeePassSync

    Fantastic, right now im waiting for sourceforge to restore our source control repo that is missing from their system update. Once they do I hope to put a new version out. I will also convert to the pkgx format which allows keepass to do the compile with its .net version rather than at release time.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    It is definitely true that Dominik maintains all the KeePass code by himself and...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    I think the UI concepts look great, a XAML (WPF/UWP) app certainly can deal better...

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2009-10-08 04:47:04


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