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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on luckyBackup

    Do this once more, please. Open LB gui Make sure the "Actions" checkbox is checked Close LB window Now check the file: ~/.luckyBackup/settings.ini It's a simple text file. Did the last modification time changed to the date/time that you closed the LB window. Open the settings.ini file with a text editor. Is line 14 like: Is_combo_toolbar_visible=1

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on luckyBackup

    Hello :) So the issue is that, even if you check "Settings->toolbars->actions", it does not appear at all or it is still unchecked when you start LB again? I just checked at Kubuntu 22.04 and it keeps the setting. The configuration is suppossed to be saved when you close the main window.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on luckyBackup

    Hello :) You can copy all the .profile files from ~/.luckyBackup/profiles/ from one configuration, to the other. For safety reasons, check if the folder paths are correct at the 2nd configuration before you go on clicking run. There's also the import/export profile procedure you could follow that will also copy snapshot data.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on luckyBackup

    Please excuse my late reply fan :( so: 1. Make sure you use "backup source inside destination" as task type and not "synchronize source & destination" 2. Delete safely the subfolders *.profile" from directory ".luckybackup-snaphots" from your destination. The timestamped folders (YYYYMMDDttmmss) that you will find there keep data from older snapshots. 3. Delete all contents of folder ~/.luckyBackup/logs/ (if you use LB as root ~ would be /root) 4. As far as directory ~/.luckyBackup/snaps/ is concerned,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on luckyBackup

    Hello fan :) the logfiles are normal text files that contain the output of the rsync command (ok and a few more specific luckybackup lines). They shouldn't occupy that much space. Even if you have thousands of lines, the log should be MBs. Also, as soon as you start a new run, older logs are deleted. eg if you have set the no of snapshots to keep, to "3", only 3 logfiles will be kept. For some reason lots of data have accumulated in LBs log directory. Just delete everything there so that logging...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on luckyBackup

    Hello Todd :) Before a task actually starts, LB will attempt to backup profile, snapshot and log data (no worries, just some kB) to the destination. For the scenario if your home gets corrupted you can import the profile directly from the destination again. The error message means that this backup failed, for some reason. Your task (that run just after) seems to have finished successful. There should be another bunch of lines at the output, unless you have checked "quite mode" during the run.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on luckyBackup

    aahhh well done! Are you using the "Preserve Hard Links" option?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on luckyBackup

    Yes, the preserve hardlinks arguments will indeed preserve the hardlinks at the destination, only if the corresponting connections are part of the transfer (rsync man page). I will search a bit for a workaround. The "preserve symlinks" options is checked, right?

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2008-10-03 20:10:20
Athens / Greece / EEST


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