User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #122 on vym - view your mind

    <style> /* Linda's Style playground (c) 2011 L. A Walsh (permission given to do w/this anything other than claim my original as your own! -- <a class="moz-txt-link-abbreviated" href=""></a> ) */ /* margin:(X):=T+B+R+L; (V H):V=T+B,H=R+L; (T H B):T,H=R+L, (T R B L) */ <p>html,body {<br> font: 13pt "Lucida Console", monospace, fixed;<br> font-size-adjust:.50;<br> background-color:#f0f8ff; color:#304060;<br> max-width:95ex; <br> }</p> <p>table,...

  • Created ticket #122 on vym - view your mind

    Design to "graceful degradation" when using non-universal features

  • Posted a comment on ticket #297 on ReadyMedia

    Hi, this isn't a fix for the source code, but an idea for a workaround (I'd have to research & test to put in the actual commands -- if I get the time...). Put the server in it's own network space with no network connections with a copied network namespace using 'nsenter'. It will copy the net-namespace of another process. Then start a shell in that namespace and shut down all interfaces that are external. Now your namespace should only have your internal nets -- start the server "as normal". It...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1 on bash debugger

    The above is true as far as it goes, HOWEVER, to actually be able to single step through addnums (or 'include' in my own environment), it is required that bash save source and line numbers for all functions since invokation whether debugging is on or not. That request has been made on the bug-bash list. Chet seemed to think bash did save the sourcefilename and line number -- didn't know about the behavior, so reported it as a bug. and submitted slightly modified versions of the above files ...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #1 on bash debugger

    Just delete the error message in "lib/". It's not needed that I can tell. I made sure to put the problem in 2 files as wanted. I got reminded as a "new version" got installed and undid my last patch... Thanks again for a great product (if only you knew how rarely I give such praise maybe you wouldn't have been so impatient w/me last time). Oh well, most engineers have the interpersonal skills of a krogan, klingon, or similar.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1 on bash debugger

    Just delete the error message in "lib/". It's not needed that I can tell. I made sure to put the problem in 2 files as wanted. I got reminded as a "new version" got installed and undid my last patch...

  • Created ticket #1 on bash debugger

    please disable the debugged filename check being null: null is valid

  • Posted a comment on ticket #46 on bash debugger

    I can understand the confusion -- my setup is anything but standard. however, in regards to your last line -- I did say I never got your first followup. I don't know why. So I had no idea what you wanted when I came here. I came here to report the symptom of all the null file argument errors, not to update the original bug report, I found it on searching for the text in the current error msg I was getting. Rather than opening a new bug for what seemed ilke a similar problem, I appended this new text...

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2000-03-18 05:05:21


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  • Project Logo xosview X11 based performance meter Last Updated:

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