User Activity

  • Created ticket #794 on gnuplot

    cumulative sum of column in datafile

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2487 on gnuplot

    Ah good, now I'm getting closer to what you need: a) under git, you want the timestamp of the last git commit, not caring about dates of local sources; b) out of git, you want a timestamp reflecting the latest changes to the code in the local sources (pls, confirm that's your intended behavior). As I think a) is already there, let's focus on b): you can't achieve that the way the is written now, because the timestamp is coming from: stat -c '%.10y' [...] @if cmp -s $@ $@t;...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2487 on gnuplot

    "make" would fail if run outside of the git repository directory. So we ended up using the date instead. yeah, I'm seeing it in the commit [ef315e6f] by Henri, the part of supporting out-of-git tree make of the DEVELOPMENT_VERSION is preserved, as it is preserved the part that removed a direct Makefile dependency of timestamp.h from the .git/HEAD file. -git_current := $(shell cut -c6- $(top_srcdir)/.git/HEAD) -timestamp.h: $(top_srcdir)/.git/${git_current} Makefile +.PHONY: timestamp.h +timestamp.h:...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2487 on gnuplot

    AFAIU, it is working fine, in that with DEVELOPMENT_VERSION version.c will include and depend on timestamp.h, which will be rebuilt by the Makefile rule fetching from git the timestamp. Just, it should not be .PHONY, it's a real file (not on repo), and its rebuild rule avoids overwriting it if the git timestamp does not change, thus once you remove the .PHONY, make does the right thing (attempt to rebuild timestamp.h, but ending up not updating it (if cmp -s ....), thus not following up on to rebuilding...

  • Modified a comment on ticket #2487 on gnuplot

    updated patch mentioning this bug# for extended info...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2487 on gnuplot

    updated patch mentioning this bug# for extended info...

  • Created merge request #21 on gnuplot

    avoid rebuild of gnuplot despite no changes

  • Modified a comment on ticket #2487 on gnuplot

    from some further diggings: version.c does have one peculiarity: it is the only source-code including timestamp.h: ~/gnuplot/src$ grep timestamp.h *.{c,h} version.c:#include "timestamp.h" I must be building with DEVELOPMENT_VERSION enabled, likely the problem cannot show up without that ~/gnuplot/src$ grep -A3 -B3 timestamp.h version.c const char gnuplot_version[] = "5.5"; const char gnuplot_patchlevel[] = "0"; #ifdef DEVELOPMENT_VERSION #include "timestamp.h" #else const char gnuplot_date[] = "2020-02-07...

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2000-06-19 09:17:14


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