User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ZedGraph

    Zedgraph doesn't have organized development/support right now and hasn't for some time. It is still has good feature content, particularly when you consider that the baseline is ~11 years old. I don't know that the SourceForge documentation links ever worked as that was the project that was being fleshed out at the time support was dropped. There was a web library independent of SourceForge that had the examples for awhile. You may be able to find that in a web archive. I have a couple times over...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ZedGraph

    There is a radar plot scheme available. However, I've not used it and it doesn't seem to be in what's left of the online documentaion. I did find this reference to it. Unless someone answers your question here or you can unearth something in the depths of google, you may need to go in another direction.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ZedGraph

    Not meaning to slap your wrists here but usually there's a line on boards such as this that runs between "How do I do SomeActivity?" and "How do I write my app?" People can help with the first because the question is limited in scope and specific. The second one is impossible for a number of reasons. I'm afraid your new question as its framed falls into the latter category. I'm afraid your latest question crosses into the second category. I'll give you a couple directions to look in. However, I researched...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ZedGraph

    Okay, I finally read this and you had me at "fetal monitor." I don't see a .Refresh() or a .AxisChange() in your "refresh..." These (particularly Refresh) would me more typical for realtime apps.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ZedGraph

    Ironically, I hunted around a few years ago for the people that hold the manager...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ZedGraph

    Here's a link to an archive of the original examples. I checked it and it works down...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ZedGraph

    I'd presume yes as core Zed supports zooming but I haven't tried it with web based...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ZedGraph

    Check out the examples at: The 3rd or...

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2009-04-10 17:39:58


This is a list of open source software projects that Jeff McKim is associated with:

  • A Nibble of a Byte Bit manipulation and unique compression of limited data sets Last Updated:

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