User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Vote on SourceForge Project of the Month

    VOTE: jasperstudio

  • Committed [ec1636]

    Support to get the XML from an URI

  • Committed [526fe0]

    Support to get the XML from an URI

  • Committed [371abe]

    Italian translation

  • Committed [0b71f2]

    Fixed instance of XY Bar chart. Now a JRDesignX...

  • Committed [9ce174]

    Fixed crosstab clone. The origin of the cell co...

  • Committed [b4afd0]

    Added FIXME

  • Committed [c7eab8]

    Fixed instance of XY Bar chart. Now a JRDesignX...

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Personal Data

2002-09-23 22:00:52


This is a list of open source software projects that Giulio Toffoli is associated with:

Personal Tools