User Activity

  • Posted a comment on a wiki page on Viking GPS data editor and analyzer

    Thank you @robbieonsea. I did not notice that they had switched X and Y at Kartverket, and for sure I was not able to figure out name="switch-xy">TRUE. This works very well. Thank you one more time.

  • Posted a comment on a wiki page on Viking GPS data editor and analyzer

    Norwegian maps from "Statens Kartverk" has changed the service on there site (see Kartverket) I do not fully understand how to change: <object class="VikSlippyMapSource"> <property name="label">Statkart topo</property> <property name="hostname"></property> <property name="url">/gatekeeper/gk/gk.open_gmaps?layers=topo4&amp;zoom=%d&amp;x=%d&amp;y=%d</property> <property name="copyright">© Kartverket</property> <property name="license">Kartverket Terms of Use, creative commons by...

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Personal Data

2006-09-13 18:38:14


This is a list of open source software projects that Geir Asle Borgen is associated with:

  • gpgpass   Last Updated:

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