User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #59 on 64tass

    Having two different "output modes" was the correct answer, for both 64tass and ACME. FWIW, 64tass is one of the few assemblers that can handle Metroid (128KB) as a single source file: You're welcome to close this.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #58 on 64tass

    Your note made me realize I never followed up on this: the ",k" approach worked fine. You can see it in the output generated for one of the regression tests: So you're welcome to close this as "working as intended".

  • Created ticket #15 on ACME Cross-Assembler

    Can't use NOT as a label

  • Posted a comment on ticket #58 on 64tass

    I'll give ",k" a try. Appending "+$xx0000" felt like a kluge, but I didn't realize there was something more appropriate. cc65 emits JML/JSL if it sees a 24-bit hex operand on JMP/JSR, regardless of destination, so I'm used to fine-tuning operands. Automated regression tests FTW. (FWIW, "JMP" is technically the correct opcode mnemonic; "JML" is accepted as an alias. JSR/JSL are distinct for the reasons you mentioned.) There's a meta-discussion to be had about the role of the assembler and where you...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #59 on 64tass

    Ah. So the assembler is effectively emulating a system loader that populates memory with the assembled output, and then grabs a memory dump of the affected range. Seems like I need two output modes, "loadable" and "streaming". "Loadable" is something that could be loaded into a 64K RAM area, so to qualify (start_address + total_length) must be <= 65536 to avoid wrap-around. "Loadable" generated sources begin with "* = addr" and handle logical address changes in the usual way. If start+len > 65536,...

  • Created ticket #59 on 64tass

    Unexpected need for --long-address

  • Posted a comment on ticket #58 on 64tass

    Also fails with v1.55.2176.

  • Created ticket #58 on 64tass

    Change in 65816 JSR behavior

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2001-05-23 18:27:10


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