User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #84 on GrandOrgue

    To support editing the way you like, look for an editor supporing folding sections. The file format is similar enough to an INI file, so there might be support for such things out there. If you really create large samplesets, using some kind of generation save you lots of work and probably also errors. Some samples:

  • Posted a comment on ticket #86 on GrandOrgue

    GO already does cross-fading between tremmend and non-tremmend samples.

  • Modified ticket #87 on GrandOrgue

    Option to block the use of the “Randomize Pipe Tuning” feature via the Odf.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #87 on GrandOrgue

    The ODF describes an organ model - without any references to the concrecet interpreter (ag GrandOrgue). "Randomize Pipe Speaking is an implementation detail of the current GO version. It might change or be replaced/... in futhur GO updates. Therefore this is a wont-fix.

  • Modified a wiki page on GrandOrgue

    Broken MIDI Adapters

  • Modified a wiki page on GrandOrgue


  • Modified a wiki page on GrandOrgue

    Broken MIDI Adapters

  • Renamed a wiki page on GrandOrgue

    Broken MIDI Adapters

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Personal Data

2005-05-26 13:09:06


This is a list of open source software projects that Martin Koegler is associated with: