User Activity

  • Modified a comment on ticket #400 on YAT

    Correction: what is actualty displayed isn't quite the above, the = signs and quotes were added by SourceForge. It displays this: ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Thu Aug 10 2017 20:12:14 GMT+0200 (Mitteleurop<Warning: "C3h A4h 69h" is an invalid Unicode UTF-8 byte sequence!>sche Sommerzeit)

  • Modified a comment on ticket #400 on YAT

    Correction: what is actuallty displayed isn't quite the above, the = signs and quotes are being added by SourceForge. ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Thu Aug 10 2017 20:12:14 GMT+0200 (Mitteleurop<Warning: "C3h A4h 69h" is an invalid Unicode UTF-8 byte sequence!>sche Sommerzeit)

  • Modified a comment on ticket #400 on YAT

    Correction: what is actuallty displayed is: ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Thu Aug 10 2017 20:12:14 GMT+0200 (Mitteleurop<Warning: "C3h="" A4h="" 69h"="" is="" an="" invalid="" Unicode="" UTF-8="" byte="" sequence!="">sche Sommerzeit) The cut-and-paste form YAT directly into Chrome inserted the other characters - perhaps the YAT copy functonality doesn't work properly when there are warning message in the line.

  • Modified a comment on ticket #400 on YAT

    Correction: what is actuallty displayed is: ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Thu Aug 10 2017 20:12:14 GMT+0200 (Mitteleurop<Warning: "C3h="" A4h="" 69h"="" is="" an="" invalid="" Unicode="" UTF-8="" byte="" sequence!="">sche Sommerzeit) The cut-and-paste form YAT directly into Chrome inserted the other characters - perhaps the YAT copy functonality doesn't work properly when there are warning message in the line.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #400 on YAT

    Correctoin: what is actuallty displayed is: ; generated by RepRapFirmware Configuration Tool on Thu Aug 10 2017 20:12:14 GMT+0200 (Mitteleurop<Warning: "C3h="" A4h="" 69h"="" is="" an="" invalid="" Unicode="" UTF-8="" byte="" sequence!="">sche Sommerzeit) The cut-and-paste form YAT directly into Chrome inserted the other characters - perhaps the YAT copy functonality doesn't work properly when there are warning message in the line.

  • Created ticket #400 on YAT

    Spurious "Warning: xxx is an invalid Unicode UTF-8 byte sequence" messages

  • Posted a comment on ticket #382 on YAT

    I created this ticket, but SF seems to have forgotton my login status while I did so.

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Personal Data

2003-12-25 08:04:10


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