User Activity

  • Committed [f39453]

    IDEMPIERE-148 Allow reversal invoice to use DocNo^ instead of consuming an invoice #

  • Committed [eb2665]

    IDEMPIERE-556 Archive Viewer must not allow search when arriving from button

  • Committed [700f62]

    IDEMPIERE-658 Count of records wrong on zoom across on System

  • Committed [dc6a84]

    IDEMPIERE-2335 Popup a menu when a tab is right clicked with the options close, close all, and close others.

  • Committed [0a5a14]

    Add functionality to allow user preference window configurable

  • Committed [14ae36]

    IDEMPIERE-2553 enter amounts without decimal separator

  • Committed [bd0ad9]

    IDEMPIERE-2181 Lookup fields when in detail pane

  • Committed [d4a6a9]

    IDEMPIERE-2631 Process Indicator in CVS Import process

View All

Personal Data

2008-07-15 03:49:52


This is a list of open source software projects that Diego Andres Ruiz Gomez is associated with:


This is a list of skills that Diego Andres Ruiz Gomez possesses:

  • Programming Language

Personal Tools