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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ObjectListView

    Hello, I have a bool field in my olv source object that is displayed in my grid as a checkbox. Everything works on the checkbox: original state, check, uncheck, interrogate state when processing the grid results. I would like to add one piece of validation whenever the checkbox is checked. I thought that my celledit methods would be called when the field was clicked, but that does not seem to be the case. I then added two delegates, the BooleanCheckStateGetter and the BooleanCheckStatePutter. Unfortunately...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ObjectListView

    Phillip, I wanted to let you know that I was able to work through the entire process and have the dropdown working the way I had hoped. Thanks for getting me on the right path. Bryan Hunt

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ObjectListView

    Phillip, Thanks for the reponse. I started down the path of creating a dynamic enum list, and while it is possible to do, it would not be my chosen course of action. If I understand what you are guiding me to, I should start by simply supplying a single string value for that column. The value would either be the existing value, or some default value if there is no existing value. Then I would manage presenting the list of possible values through the CellEditStarting event, and storing the new selected...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ObjectListView

    I was able to finally locate one example of a dropdown/listbox in OLV. On the Complex Example tab of the demo, the Married? field can be edited to select from a list. The issue though, is that the source field is an enum, and the values that I want to select from are dynamic and won't be known until runtime. I know that it is possible to generate an enum dynamically at runtime using Reflection, but is it really necessary to jump through those hoops? Just to get a picklist from a List<string>?</string>...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ObjectListView

    I can't seem to find an example of this. Thanks, Bryan Hunt

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on ObjectListView

    Is it possible to add a header checkbox to a column created by Generator.GenerateColumns? I looked for an OLVColumn attribute, but did not see an appropriate one. I also looked at this.olv.Columns[0] but did not find anything there either. Am I best server by manually creating the columns in the olv object and setting the attribute there? Thanks. Bryan Hunt

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ObjectListView

    Phil, I am having a similar problem. I am trying to set up a very simple OLV, a checkbox...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on ObjectListView

    Phillip, FYI, I rebuilt a new project from scratch, and so far so good. A lot of...

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2007-02-19 22:22:23


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