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  • Posted a comment on ticket #615 on Adminer

    For Oracle we tried to mimick the solution found in the driver for MySQL without success, adding the SDO_GEOMETRY data type to the array of types and converted/unconverted the geometry to/from text. Adminer still lies, saying "No rows" for any table with a geometric column. The issue is probably due to all geometric columns belonging to the MDSYS user in Oracle.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on VietOCR

    Hello, by now the only way to run it on MacOS 10.14 is using another JRE, i. e. the version that comes with XCode (free) or any other coming from Oracle. I will test other solutions and update this thread. Thanks by now.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on VietOCR

    Thanks, I tried using rt.jar (I found it in gvSIG) and it didn't work as well. Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/apple/eawt/AboutHandler at net.sourceforge.vietocr.Gui.<init>(Unknown Source) at net.sourceforge.vietocr.GuiWithThumbnail.<init>(Unknown Source) at net.sourceforge.vietocr.GuiWithScan.<init>(Unknown Source) at net.sourceforge.vietocr.GuiWithImageOps.<init>(Unknown Source) at net.sourceforge.vietocr.GuiWithOCR.<init>(Unknown Source) at net.sourceforge.vietocr.GuiWithPostprocess.<init>(Unknown...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on VietOCR

    Maybe it's a problem with OpenJDK 12. Ant compile and ant jar ended without error, but the compiled jar did not work as well.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on VietOCR

    Maybe it's a problem with OpenJDK 12. Ant compile and ant jar did ended without error, but the compiled jar did not work as well.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on VietOCR

    No problem, I used the similar parts. Unfortunately I got the same error, I didn't recompile the classes, used the new libraries, but I've kept the main jar.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on VietOCR

    I'm sorry, it doesn't, even if I found the error here, so I continued the discussion, but I'm dealing with VietOCR3 and not with jTessBoxEditor. Anyway I copied all the updated libraries to the lib of VietOCR3, but the behaviour it's still the same: starting the app with the provided shell command (or simply with java -jar VietOcr3.jar), tries to open a gui (there is a VietOCR3 menu, but only it) then stops and in the terminal it shows the same error.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on VietOCR

    Thank you for this prompt reply. It worked with the latest JVM provided by Oracle in MacOS 10.9, which is Java 8. The links you provide are very interesting. Thanks. About trying version 1.6, you mean downloading Java 6? I see the latest download from Apple (2017) provided Java 6.

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