User Activity

  • Committed [r18]
  • Committed [r17]
  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Xinmapper

    Yes those things are possible, sorry I haven't been looking at this old project for a long time.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Xinmapper

    The scan codes are given to the project in the form of a string in the main() function of the program. Use the "vk" format for scan codes (virtual key codes). mapInfo = "LTHUMB:LEFT:NORM:a LTHUMB:RIGHT:NORM:d LTHUMB:UP:NORM:w LTHUMB:DOWN:NORM:s X:NONE:NORM:r A:NONE:NORM:VK32 Y:NONE:NORM:VK164 B:NONE:NORM:VK160";

  • Imported Files on HookSpeech
  • Imported Code on HookSpeech
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Personal Data

2010-10-18 00:52:49
United States


This is a list of open source software projects that anony-moose is associated with:

  • Project Logo Death Star Last Updated:
  • Project Logo EasyScreenCLI   Last Updated:
  • GLUES   Last Updated:
  • Project Logo HookSpeech Avoid automated moderation of text! Last Updated:
  • Project Logo Xinmapper A closer to the metal library for Xbox controller to keyboard and mous Last Updated:

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