User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KTechlab

    Hi, I have seen the merge request, just not managed to reply to it yet. Lately most discussion has been on the ktechlab-devel mailing list at KDE, I suggest using that:

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KTechlab

    Hi, Related to the points above: 1/ I'm not sure if I can reproduce this behavior. Can you send a screenshot about it? 2/ The scope display has been initially conceived to run continuously; currently it displays probe data from a limited amount of time and then stops; the Reset button is there to discard the old data... In my opinion the Pause / Run buttons for the whole simulation are good enough. 3/ The microcontroller functionality depends on the gpsim library. Only if development files for that...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KTechlab

    Copying the response from the mailing list, for future reference: Hi David, building KTechLab on Windows requires KDE Craft, please see instructions here: There exists a Craft recipe for KTechLab, so in case Craft is set up, one can build KTechLab with one command. On Linux systems building is much simpler, you just need to install KTechLab's build dependencies, typically from package manager,...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #253 on gpsim - The gnupic Simulator

    I definitely do not propose to remove the config.h file; I'm trying to figure out how to setup a correct build environment for using gpsim as a library. If I understand correctly, either (a) gpsim's ../config.h file should exist in the application's build environment. I think this should be fine, but as I observe the Linux distributions shipping gpsim-0.31.0 do not include the config.h file in the gpsim-dev (or equivalent) package [1]. Debian even patches the headers from gpsim-dev and removes the...

  • Created ticket #63 on gpsim - The gnupic Simulator

    using gpsim library: expose version information directly, e.g. in headers

  • Created ticket #253 on gpsim - The gnupic Simulator

    using gpsim library: breakpoints.h references nonexistent ../config.h

  • Posted a comment on ticket #27 on KTechlab

    Based on the disucssion on the link below, it is fixed now?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KTechlab

    You are correct, the LED (and Diodes, in general), does not have constant resistance. In the example circuit you are practically connecting in parallel two components with try to keep a constant, but different voltages on them. In a real-world circuit, either the LED or the voltage source/battery would get burned. Please note that for such extreme cases (when you see Mega-Ampers or Mega-Volts or higher in the circuit), probably ktechlab does not simulate the circuit accurately.

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2008-08-26 09:17:57


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