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  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    The following is unexplainable. I installed 2.48 over 2.46 and open the KP instance which compiled the plugins with no warning. All plugins are active and working correctly. I have no more issues. I can remember few things I did over the last day: I overwritten the KPEntryTemplates.plgx in the plugin directory with the file of the same size (no signature match check had been done) before I posted the issue. But after that the plugins were not yet compiled and I filed the issue. I changed my Windows...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    The following is unexplainable. I installed 2.48 over 2.46 and open the KP instance which compiled the plugins with no warning. All plugin are active and working correctly. I have no more issues.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Answer to @pail459 HaveIBeenPwned.plgx KeePassQRCodeView.plgx KeePassRPC.plgx KPEnhancedListview.plgx KPEntryTemplates.plgx KPPasswordCounter.plgx PronouncePwGen.plgx QualityColumn.plgx QualityHighlighter.plgx QuickSearch.plgx YetAnotherFaviconDownloader.plgx

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on KeePass

    Updates 2.47 and 2.48 warns about incompatible plugins (all of them) at fresh start. No plugin is imported except the KPEnhancedListview. Updating plugins do not help. They are anyway the same (newest) version. The plugin folder is kept intact, so downgrading to 2.46 let the user work using all their plugins. The user is stuck on KP v2.46

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on KeePass

    Hi, I experience an FTP protocol violation using KeePass v 2.45 for the last 2-4 months. The error message says: "The underlying connection was closed: The server commited a protocol violation." Occurance is "sometimes" and also "multiple times in a row". Then I can try for minutes to replicate and no change of getting any error, always connecting succesfully. Sometimes the connection breaks, when the KDBX fiels is open and edited, and the KeePass says that the files may be out of sync. Then I try...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on KeePass

    Hi, I experience an FTP protocol violation using KeePass v 2.45 for the last 2-4 months. The error message says: "The underlying connection was closed: The server commited a protocol violation." Occurance is "sometimes" and also "multiple times in a row". Then I can try for minutes to replicate and no change of getting any error, always connecting succesfully. Sometimes the connection breaks, when the KDBX fiels is open and edited, and the KeePass says that the files may be out of sync. Then I try...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on KeePass

    Hi, I experience an FTP protocol violation using KeePass v 2.45 for the last 2-4 months. Occurance is "sometimes" and also "multiple times in a row". Then I can try for minutes to replicate and no change of getting any error, always connecting succesfully. Sometimes the connection breaks, when the KDBX fiels is open and edited, and the KeePass says that the files may be out of sync. Then I try to save (once or multiple times press CTRL-S) and connection is reestablished and file is uploaded to the...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Feature suggestions on Open Camera

    Yes, it does reopen with preview after closing by Force stop. In my opinion, OC shall close the Gallery Preview by itself, when sent to background. In any case, it is a Preview, so no Edit or other processes are available there.

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2011-05-31 07:19:55


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