User Activity

  • Modified a comment on ticket #2 on NetIO-GUI

    Hi, I´m not sure if this helps but you could try to install an earlier version of NetIO-GUI (1.04 or 1.0.3 from Former versions are compatible to the latest version and are built with an earlier version of the .NET framework and contain the 32-bit version of the netio.exe command line tool. If that won´t work, you could directly use the command line version of netio (win32-i686.exe from Github) on the Win7/32 server side.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #2 on NetIO-GUI

    Hi, I´m not sure if this helps but you could try to install an earlier version of NetIO-GUI (1.04 or 1.0.3 from Former versions are compatible to the latest version and are built with an earlier version or the .NET framework and contain the 32-bit version of the netio.exe command line tool. If that won´t work, you could directly use the command line version of netio (win32-i686.exe from Github) on the Win7/32 server side.

  • Modified ticket #1 on NetIO-GUI

    GUI doesn't allow some valid addresses.

  • Modified ticket #1 on NetIO-GUI

    GUI doesn't allow some valid addresses.

  • Modified a comment on ticket #1 on NetIO-GUI

    Hi, IP adresses are validated in the following function. In a.b.c.d every tuple has to be a one to three digit number. a and d must be 1-255, b and c must be 0 to 255. So it looks like the 0 in the last tuple is the cause of the problem here. Let me know if this helps. Private Function IsIpValid(ByVal ipAddress As String) As Boolean Dim expr As String = "^\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}$" Dim reg As Regex = New Regex(expr) If (reg.IsMatch(ipAddress)) Then Dim parts() As String = ipAddress.Split(".")...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #1 on NetIO-GUI

    Hi, IP adresses are validated in the following function. In a.b.c.d every tuple has to be a one to three digit number. a and d must be 1-255, b and c must be 0 to 255. So it looks like the 0 in the last tuple is the cause of the problem here. Let me know if this helps. ~~~ Private Function IsIpValid(ByVal ipAddress As String) As Boolean Dim expr As String = "^\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}.\d{1,3}$" Dim reg As Regex = New Regex(expr) If (reg.IsMatch(ipAddress)) Then Dim parts() As String = ipAddress.Split(".")...

  • Committed [r44]

    Use maskedTextbox for IP textbox

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on NetIO-GUI

    Hi @birch, auto discovery would only be possible in local networks, not in routed (VPN) environments. But it´s a good idea to have that. If I find some time in the future, I will add it.

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Personal Data

2006-01-10 18:34:30
Kiel / Germany / CEST


This is a list of open source software projects that Markus is associated with:

  • Film//Riss   Last Updated:
  • Project Logo NetIO-GUI NetIO-GUI measures network speed between two peers Last Updated:
  • Project Logo VPN MultiConnect Generates VPN configuration files for some Routers/Clients Last Updated:

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