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  • Posted a comment on discussion User Forum on SAGA GIS

    Hi, please have a look at the "Grid Classes Area for Polygons" tool: It does not calculate the number of cells but the area of each class in each polygon. If you really require just the cell count, you must convert the area to cell count afterwards. Best regards, Volker

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on SAGA GIS

    I've updated the tool description in commit [18c51e] . The documentation can always be improved, please support us in general with contributions as soon as you notice something.

  • Committed [18c51e] on Code

    SHALSTAB: improve tool description (and fix some warnings)

  • Committed [66bf65] on Code

    saga_api, projections: parse also a first set of WKT2 keys in projection names list

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on SAGA GIS

    Hi Tom, the tool can use the min/max rasters (or global values) to do a sampling for each soil parameter within this value range. The "Parameter sampling runs" tool parameter determines how many values are randomly taken for each soil parameter from the given min/max value range found in each raster cell. Finally the mean value of the taken samples is calculated (per cell) and used as soil parameter value in the stability equations. If you use the same values for min/max and set the "Parameter sampling...

  • Committed [516cd9] on Code

    Convert Points to Line(s): add option to also add vertex M values

  • Posted a comment on discussion User Forum on SAGA GIS

    It seems like this (loading io_gdal/io_pdal in SAGA bundled with QGIS) works on other computers. It's a miracle why it is not working for you. Something that came to my mind is anti-virus software - do you have a special software installed that might block the loading (of some) dynamic libraries (dlls)? Both io_gdal and io_pdal require and load a lot of dlls.

  • Posted a comment on discussion User Forum on SAGA GIS

    In this case you must have set some environment variables on your system that point to other gdal/pdal libraries and which prevent to load the one's which come with our package. Please check your environment variable settings for GDAL and PDAL including the paths set in the general PATH variable. We have some mechanisms to set the required variables on SAGA startup, but there must be something in your settings which we don't cover.

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2005-02-19 13:38:28


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