User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #380 on Exuberant Ctags

    Thanks very much for the help and explanation!

  • Posted a comment on ticket #380 on Exuberant Ctags

    As per the man page, the -I option is specifically provided for preprocessor macros, and in general for identifiers that are to be specially handled. 'override' is a standard C++ keyword/identifier (since C++-11). Why should -I be needed for 'override'?

  • Posted a comment on ticket #379 on Exuberant Ctags

    Thanks very much! Uday On Sun, Nov 10, 2019 at 5:59 PM Masatake YAMATO wrote: --langmap option may help you. See ctags(1) man page. $ ctags -o - | head AddFOp /^class AddFOp : public Op<addfop, optrait::sameoperandsandresulttype,="" optrait::oneresult,="" optrait::hasnosideeffect,="" optrait::noperands<2="">::Impl> {$/;" cAddFOpOperandAdaptor /^class AddFOpOperandAdaptor {$/;" c AddIOp /^class AddIOp : public...

  • Created ticket #380 on Exuberant Ctags

    No tags found for C++ virtual function overrides

  • Posted a comment on ticket #379 on Exuberant Ctags

    Thanks very much! - please close this.

  • Created ticket #379 on Exuberant Ctags

    ctags can't find any tags in this C++ file

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2008-02-20 20:21:54


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