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  • Posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL on GnuCOBOL

    The easiest way to check if the problem really is COMP-3 is to create a small program that packs and unpacks a COMP-3 X number of times that would take 30 to 60 seconds on GnuCOBOL and run the same program on MF and check diff in seconds . If there is a huge difference, COMP-3 is the culprit. If the difference is small, it is something else.

  • Posted a comment on discussion GnuCOBOL on GnuCOBOL

    Take a look at Den 2021-05-04 kl. 14:54, skrev flaneur7508: Hello, My needs are not as complex :) I'm was hoping there was somthing out there that could be used to document my COBOL. i.e. provide insights into all the PARAGRAPHS and the various PERFORMS contained etc. In short i'm looking for somthing like this: That works with gnuCOBOL. This extension...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on COBOL analyzer

    Probably it would. I changed to Micro Focus COBOL from Unisys before I wrote this tool. As I can remember Unisys don't have file extentions, so you will have to create that when you export the files to Windows. Source files should have extension of (.pco .cob .cbl) in order to be recognized by the COBOL analyzer and library (Copybook) source files should have an extension of .cpy to be recognized.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help getting started on GnuCOBOL

    Looks interesting, but what changes do I have to implement to run if my GnuCOBOL...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help getting started on GnuCOBOL

    I suggest you install VMware player or VirtualBox and run Linux in a VM on Windows....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help getting started on GnuCOBOL

    I downloaded open-cobol-cpp_vs2010 form and thought it should be a piece...

  • Posted a comment on discussion GNU Cobol on GnuCOBOL

    Usually you have different scripts when compile for test or for delivery to customer....

  • Posted a comment on discussion The Lounge on GnuCOBOL

    Micro Focus COBOL output is the same as IBM output.

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Personal Data

2002-01-04 15:26:10
Timrå / Sweden / CEST
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This is a list of open source software projects that Stefan Bodingh is associated with:

  • COBOL analyzer show dependencies within COBOL programs Last Updated:
  • Pascal Comment Builder CommentBuilder is a Copyright/ID block comment tool Last Updated:


This is a list of skills that Stefan Bodingh possesses:

  • Programming Language

Personal Tools