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  • Posted a comment on ticket #60 on FreeImage

    Hi Hervé, Thank you for the clarification. I apologize that I misunderstood your original comment (and I apologize in advance if I still misunderstand!). Ignoring multi-page support for a moment, if FreeImage does encounter a multi-layer EXR file, a great improvement to its current behavior would be to simply load the first RGB/A layer it encounters. In the case of multi-layer EXR export from e.g. Blender, the first layer in the file will usually be an RGB/A-format composite copy of the image (similar...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #60 on FreeImage

    Hi Hervé, thank you for your reply. It has been a few months since I looked at this so I will need to investigate why FreeImage doesn't load "" above. For a reference image that does currently load into FreeImage, there is x35_3a.exr in the 2nd post, above. It is a much smaller image comprising ~17 layers and FreeImage will happily load the first layer (using default EXR flags).

  • Posted a comment on ticket #60 on FreeImage

    Attached is a second, smaller image for testing. It may be a simpler reference point. This image opens just fine with FreeImage's existing EXR plugin, but obviously only one page (of many) is loaded. (Also, the free, open-source software Krita provides a good 3rd-party tool for loading and saving these types of EXR images.)

  • Created ticket #60 on FreeImage

    Multipage support for EXR format

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on FreeImage

    This has been brought up many times in the past, and a number of improvements related to it have also been proposed (like this nice one ) but unfortunately, I don't think they've gained traction with maintainers. FreeImage has been in maintenance mode for some years now, so it's probably unlikely to see future changes beyond simple bug-fixes. :(

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on FreeImage

    Does FreeImage support the ability to read those layers from a PSD file? No. And if FreeImage supports flattening of layers in PSD files? FreeImage doesn't read any layer data in PSD files. It only reads the composite image data (if available - e.g. Maximize Compatibility must be checked when saving the file). If you create an image in Photoshop which has multiple layers in the file, you can save the file as a PSD file and retain the layers (by unchecking the 'Maximise Compatibility' while saving...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Developers on FreeImage

    In that case, would there be a wisdom to default all blacks in the palette first, instead of a grayscale? Maybe? But I worry that this would just swap one "Band-Aid" for a different one. If users want a precise palette color count, they would still be forced to manually scan the image to see if "black" pixels actually exist. I'll defer to Herve's knowledge here, but in my mind, FreeImage forcibly allocating a full 256-color palette is fine, and filling it with arbitrary color values is fine - provided...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on FreeImage

    In that case, would there be a wisdom to default all blacks in the palette first, instead of a grayscale? Maybe? I just worry that this would just swap one "Band-Aid" for a different one. If users want a precise palette color count, they would still be forced to manually scan the image to see if "black" pixels actually exist. I'll defer to Herve's knowledge here, but in my mind, FreeImage forcibly allocating a full 256-color palette is fine, and filling it with arbitrary color values is fine - provided...

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2014-02-14 18:04:51


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