User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #104 on DSPSR: Digital Pulsar Signal Processing

    Just trying to work out how serious this is in terms of reprocessing large volumes of data for the MeerTime TPA. Can anyone say if this only affects in the frequency direction or might the delays also change with time - e.g. is it possible that different subints will have different offsets. Obviously if there is something that changes from pulse-to-pulse in the single-pulse data then it is more serious than if it's just that the dedispersion is wonky +/- 1 bin. (though probably we should reprocess...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #471 on PSRCHIVE Pulsar Data Archival & Analysis

    So the FrontendCorrection is important if anyone wants to calibrate data using the python interface. We use it in the meertime singlepulse pipeline, but really I think it is widely needed. However, I think the most important thing is to be able to call the calibrate(Archive) method, as this is what actually applies the calibration. The python interface is a bit of a mess as it is developed piecemeal, so for sure I have no objection to just removing functions that return a Jones object. Probably someone...

  • Modified ticket #473 on PSRCHIVE Pulsar Data Archival & Analysis

    remove_chan crashes thinking there are zero subints and changes channel number before loading data

  • Posted a comment on ticket #473 on PSRCHIVE Pulsar Data Archival & Analysis

    I have made the committed the change in d2c905bef6e72c40be00d84a3f9e630f371b33d2. It fixes the bug in the python code, and nothing amazingly bad seemes to have happened...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #473 on PSRCHIVE Pulsar Data Archival & Analysis

    I haven't tried it, but I guess I could - maybe I will have a look tomorrow. But yeah - my worry is that it will introduce some other bug...

  • Created ticket #473 on PSRCHIVE Pulsar Data Archival & Analysis

    remove_chan crashes thinking there are zero subints and changes channel number before loading data

  • Modified a comment on ticket #457 on PSRCHIVE Pulsar Data Archival & Analysis

    Hmmm... the thing is that I have these defined in my config.h for epsic... so it's like it is getting the wrong config file somehow. /* define if the compiler finds best partial specialization */ #define HAVE_BEST_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION /**/ /* define if partial specialization accepts default template arg */ #define HAVE_DEFAULT_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION /**/ EDIT - ah sorry I think I misunderstood the logic - these have to not be defined for it to work I think.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #457 on PSRCHIVE Pulsar Data Archival & Analysis

    Hmmm... the thing is that I have these defined in my config.h for epsic... so it's like it is getting the wrong config file somehow. /* define if the compiler finds best partial specialization */ #define HAVE_BEST_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION /**/ /* define if partial specialization accepts default template arg */ #define HAVE_DEFAULT_PARTIAL_SPECIALIZATION /**/

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2007-04-04 06:01:02


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