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  • Posted a comment on discussion Jamulus Software on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    Hi, I think I've fixed the most recent problem now. The "train" or "lawnmower" sound was caused by the fact that I had the "Loopback" setting turned on in the Steinberg driver. Once I turned it off, I no longer hear the distortion. This is based on connecting to an otherwise empty server. I have yet to try it with an actual jam. I will report back once I do. This might take a day or so. I anticipate success. (Famous last words. :-) )

  • Posted a comment on discussion Hardware Related on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    Think I've fixed this one now. I had "Loopback" turned on in the Steinberg driver software. When I turned it off, my input is clear and the train sound is gone.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Hardware Related on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    Hi, Frédéric, I am having what might be a similar problem with the UR22mkII, but on MacOS. When I connect to a server, I hear what I would describe as a "train" sound or a "lawnmower" sound, which dominates. My actual input is audible only as a faint fuzz over the dominating "train" sound. If you have any insight, I'd appreciate your letting me know. Thanks, -P.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Jamulus Software on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    @Vincenzo and @DonC, Thank you for your suggestions! They helped me solve my original problem, but now I have a new (possibly related) one. The problem was that, although I had added Jamulus to the list of apps that are permitted to access the mic, I had not checked the checkbox to validate the permission. Now I can get onto a server and my input is received, but I get a very loud "lawnmower" sound when doing this. I've tried with several servers. I have to say, when I was trying with my laptop over...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Jamulus Software on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    I have a Mac Mini running Macos 10.15.6. I'm running Jamulus 3.5.9. The mac is connected to the Internet via an ethernet cable. My firewall is turned off and Jamulus has permission to access the mic. I have a Steinberg UR22mkII connected as a DAW. I have a microphone and headphones plugged into the DAW and the DAW is seletected for both inut and output in Jamulus. I can connect to a server, but I see no amplitude either on the solo bar to the left or on my slider on the right. I have not muted myself....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Jamulus Software on Jamulus - Internet Jam Session Software

    I have a Mac Mini running Macos 10.15.6. I'm running Jamulus 3.5.9. The mac is connected to the Internet via an ethernet cable. My firewall is turned off and Jamulus has permission to access the mic. I have a Steinberg UR22mkII connected as a DAW. I have a microphone and headphones plugged into the DAW and the DAW is seletected for both inut and output in Jamulus. I can connect to a server, but I see no amplitude either on the solo bar to the left or on my slider on the right. I have not muted myself....

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2007-07-22 04:35:40


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