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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Hi I have a problem opening a module in detail . I am getting the following exception. I ported my application from 5.61 to 6.12. It was fine with 5.61. Also in the list view my custom action are not displayed 18-Sep-2019 10:48:55.275 SEVERE [http-nio-8080-exec-3] org.openxava.web.taglib.ImageTag.doStartTag Controller saveCollection not found org.openxava.util.ElementNotFoundException: Controller saveCollection not found at org.openxava.controller.meta.MetaControllers.getMetaController(

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Hi Javier I dont have any custom CSS in my application. I triedCtrl-Shift-R. Still the link is not displayed.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Hi I ported from 5.61 to 6.12. I have the following issue For file setreo type link is not displayed in list view and detauild view to access the file Is there any step to be followed for migration Thanks Shankar

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    Hi Javier It does not help even after putting @Basic(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) in getData() Where is the code which actuall fetches the byte array data Thanks Shankar

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    It is printing the statement Sytem.out.println("@@@@@@@@@@" on clicking the hypperlink to open the file

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    HI Javier Thanks for your suggestion. I tried out your suggestion by putting @Basic(fetch=FetchType.LAZY) in field @Basic(fetch=LAZY) private byte[] data; in AttachedFile It seems to not improve the performace. How do I make use that OX update has happened. in the build.xml properites I enabled updatOX option. I put a statement Sytem.out.println("@@@@@@@@@@"); in the fuction getData(); But the above is not printed in the console . Thanks Shankar

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    List on a partiicular mpodule was dislayed. I clicked on the chart icon to see what it displays. The chart was taking too long to display and was getting page is taking long to display "wait" or "cancel" option shown by the borwser. Now when ever I login with the particualr user and I go to partiular module it always take me to the chart page and I am not able to doing this on the module How do I get out of this and allow me to access other view of the module

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help (English) on OpenXava

    HI javier My original problem of list view being slow where there is field with filestereo type is still not solved . it is slow in listing the list view. For this purpose of testing I created a test entity as follows I have created a simple test entity to test the problem. I have added 6 records with all the records having file1 and file2 fields attached with documents 5-6 mb. If I go the list view it takes about 15-18 sec to display the list view package org.openxava.bgrwa.model; import javax.persistence.;...

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2014-10-01 08:48:01


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