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  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Password Safe

    Thank-you !! I am a long time user of PWS,.. ( at least 10 yrs) and love it. Thanks for all the work you put into it Rony, Rick (SDFNK)

  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on Password Safe

    Would it be possible to have the search bar automatically be enabled at the bottom of the screen rather than having to enable +11

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    Is there a way to have the "Find" dialog box open automaticlly when opening the program? I frequently have the use the "Ctrl+ F" or my user assigned keyboard shortcut, A minor annoyence of an otherwise extreamly useful app which I've been using for 10+ years

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Password Safe

    See my comment here on the toolbar icon size: I had an issue with the toolbar icon size and ended up expermenting with the Properties> Compatibility DPI settings. Much better now. The above link has instructions. btw, the font type and sizecan be changed right in PWS 's View menu. Go to "Change Font" .

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on Password Safe

    Thanks Brittney, Win 10. My hi -res Dell XPS laptop's monitor has a max resolution is 3840 x 2160, but I set it @ 1920x1280, with the DPI set to 175%, The defult/recomended DPI for that resolution is 125% but that is too small for my aging eyes. I seems I was on the right track with the 'Compatibility settings ' I expermented some more and got the entire PWS window larger.. which is perfect for me. Here are the settings I changed from the defaut: Right-click the Paswordsafe .exe or the shortcut and...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Password Safe

    Thanks Brittney, Win 10. My hi -res Dell XPS laptop's monitor has a max resolution is 3840 x 2160, but I set it @ 1920x1280, with the DPI set to 175%, The defult/recomended DPI for that resolution is 125% but that is too small for my aging eyes. I seems I was on the right track with the 'Compatibility settings ' I expermented some more and got the entire PWS window larger.. which is perfect for me. Here are the settings I changed from the defaut: Right-click the Paswordsafe .exe or the shortcut and...

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on Password Safe

    Can the toolbar be made larger? On my high-res laptop monitor, the toolbar icons are the size of pinheads which are very difficult to see and click. Can these be made larger? I tried changing the properties>compatibiity settings, but it does not seem to do anything. For instance on some apps, overriding the compatibiity high DPI settings helps, but not with PWS.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on Password Safe

    Can the toolbar be made larger? On my hi res monitor, the toolbar icons are the size of pinhead and very difficult to see and click. Can the toolbar icons be made larger? I tried change the compatibiity settings, but it does not seem to do anything. On some other app, disabling the override high DPI settings helps, but not with PWS.

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2014-09-09 16:49:53
United States / EDT


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