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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on OpenL Tablets

    Yes, please use the following function: toDate(String str, String dateFormat) - converts a string into the date of the specified format, for instance toDate( "2019-10-09", "yyyy-MM-dd" )

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on OpenL Tablets

    Hi Mohammed, actually, if you have both Date types you do not need to do any convertations as date format should be specified just in cases you need Date to transform to String or vise versa. Please let us know whether Yura's solution works for you. Best regards, Elena

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on OpenL Tablets

    PS. Using several RET columns is not your business case. A table can have multiple return columns, however, only the first fired non-empty value is returned. It means that return is still single, one output: OpenL returns an output from RET1 column, and only if it is empty then it will return the result from RET2.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on OpenL Tablets

    Hi Mohammed, just one clarification, whether our undertsanding is correct that you have DataType field of String data type and you need to convert this String (that contains date in MM/JJ/AAAA format) to Date data type? If so, just use toDate () funntion that Yura provided above. PS. In decision tables for condition (or return) values you may use any Excel Date format for Date values, OpenL Tablets recognizes all Excel Date formats. Best regards, Elena

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on OpenL Tablets

    It's OpenL method. Yes, you are right, it is stil not documented and not supported, we are planning to improve this method in future releases. So I've suggested it like workaround till we provide complete solution.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on OpenL Tablets

    PS. As a workaround, try the function isNumeric (String) which checkes whether the String Double or not. It is analog of what you asked in the beginning, but in your use case you should convert your String toDouble, not toInteger as you may get exception for Strings like 10.5 etc.

  • Modified a comment on discussion Help on OpenL Tablets

    Hi! Use the full Desicion table syntax where you can define more complex condition statements. See example in attach Elena

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on OpenL Tablets

    Hi! Use the full Desicion table syntax where you can define more sompelx condition statements. See example in attach

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2012-09-18 12:20:20


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