User Activity

  • Posted a comment on ticket #7 on EditArea

    Hi, You can set the syntax highlighting for a given language by running: editAreaLoader.execCommand(editor_id,"change_syntax",language); For example, assuming your textarea's ID is "editorTextArea" and you want to syntax highlighting for "css": editAreaLoader.execCommand("editorTextArea","change_syntax","css");

  • Modified a wiki page on jsql-sx

    data types and constraints

  • Modified a wiki page on jsql-sx

    data types and constraints

  • Modified a wiki page on jsql-sx

    data types and constraints

  • Modified a wiki page on jsql-sx

    data types and constraints

  • Created a wiki page on jsql-sx

    data types and constraints

  • Modified a wiki page on jsql-sx

    public methods

  • Modified a wiki page on jsql-sx

    SQL to JSQL-SX

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Personal Data

2006-04-07 16:08:45


This is a list of open source software projects that Portucalle is associated with:

  • Memory Profiler for C Simple C library for helping writting code with no memory leaks Last Updated:
  • jsql-sx jsql-sx is a javascript API for simple SQL-like local data handling Last Updated:
  • tkml Simple Tcl/Tk library for XML-based GUI creation Last Updated:

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