User Activity

  • Created ticket #5 on ExTiX - The Ultimate Linux System

    Possibility to actualize own Deepin installation

  • Created ticket #4 on ExTiX - The Ultimate Linux System

    the most small ExTix is away 21.06.10! Why?

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on JWM Kit Linux

    Hi, thank you for your patience and your help! I did immediately try it, but nothing to do: «user» seems not to be the right password! So no way to start the ISO named JWM_Kit_Live_0~200628.iso . The ISO starts fast and willing but stops in slim at the password and you come no step more excepted "reboot" as user with "root" as password (and you can so restart properly)!

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on JWM Kit Linux

    Thank you very much for those details. I did make a USB stick with Jwm-Kit live and start it. But, nothing to do... No password will be accept (excepted in slim "root" is known for the function "reboot". And I did restart my actual system to look in the web. Did not find the place where the damned password is given :-( ! My purpose would be to start (if possible in my language, French or German, with my localisation to have the right time), install a bit more if needing and immediately remaster with...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on JWM Kit Linux

    simple question: what is to do to install safely jwm-kit and erase xfce4 completely (as well as possible as lot of xfce4 are not entirely pure XFCE4 ;-) so in devuan refracta linux 32 bit)?

  • Posted a comment on a wiki page on Snal Linux

    really fun and friendly! I love as I am fan from ratpoison and xfce4 but very difficult to follow as normal user! and no future as there is no way immediately to save some settings or changes. the key map is wrong, the clock is wrong, the mozilla is wrong (I am using Seamonkey of course), no connection with the wire, what is more simple? why so much doubles (browser, consoles, files manager)? are really saving app's (photorec etc. ...) present? . for arch fans is that all possibly no problem. I did...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Dpup

    Hi Shine Waine, I suppose your stick is not correctly formated! In gparted try to create a new table and formate it after that «vfat32» (remark: you loose all precedent data on the stick!). Then simply copy the iso with "dd" on it and reboot! That will probably work...

  • Posted a comment on discussion General Discussion on Dpup

    see please also

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2010-04-09 09:18:52


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