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  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JobScheduler

    CHAIN: <job_chain title="IMPORT COREDIRECT" max_orders="1"> <file_order_source directory="/batch/incoming/qa1/coredirect/" next_state="e-600_zdbimport_coredirect"> <file_order_source directory="/arcftp/incoming/qa1/coredirect/" next_state="e-600_zdbimport_coredirect"> <job_chain_node state="e-600_zdbimport_coredirect" job="zdbimport" next_state="e-700_zdbspexec_zproc_999_auth_in_fund" error_state="error"> <job_chain_node state="e-700_zdbspexec_zproc_999_auth_in_fund" job="zdbspexeczproc999" next_state="unload...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JobScheduler

    I ran the same job chain twice. Once it said the node was error and job chain was successful another time it said that both had errors. I am attaching logs in hope to get help finding why they are not error/failed everywhere. ERROR ERROR Modify Log Viewing Criteria Reload DownloadMain Stdout Stderr Info 2021-05-25 14:45:48.838-0400 [info] (Task qa1/zdbimport:5554854) SCHEDULER-842 Task is going to process Order qa1/e-600_zdbimport_coredirect_qa1:/batch/incoming/qa1/coredirect/AA.txt_loop, state=e-600_zdbimport_coredirect,...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JobScheduler

    so the time shows 1 hour off in the top of the page. My profile settings says New York. JOC is older but the one I installed when we worked together with docker also has wrong time nad that is updated. jetty-9.4.12.v20180830 - 30 August 2018

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JobScheduler

    New York timezone change happened last sunday and my jobs are kicking off at the right time but the display shows me the time from last week before the time change. So for example a job that should run at 11AM shows it will run at 10AM which is correct (10AM is 11AM today) but I want to have the right time displayed in JOC. Any advice?

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JobScheduler

    <job_chain max_orders="1" title="c-600_zdbimport"> <file_order_source directory="/batch/incoming/prod/" regex="STANDARD.*.TXT$" next_state="c-600_zdbimport"> <job_chain_node job="zdbimport" next_state="success" state="c-600_zdbimport" error_state="error"> <on_return_codes> <on_return_code return_code="0"> <add_order xmlns="" job_chain="__STEP_070"> </add_order></on_return_code> </on_return_codes> </job_chain_node> <file_order_sink state="success"...

  • Posted a comment on discussion Help on JobScheduler

    One of my customer has an sftp endpoint that requires me to run the command like this from the command line: sftp -o KexAlgorithms=diffie-hellman-group14-sha1 -o HostKeyAlgorithms=+ssh-dss is there a way to add these options in jade jobs? (sos.scheduler.jade.JadeJob)

  • Modified a comment on discussion Open Discussion on JobScheduler


  • Posted a comment on discussion Open Discussion on JobScheduler

    I am using a jade job and it works fine when I connect to a server I manage but for some reason on another server it tries to run mkdir. What would cause a dir to be created with this configuration? <job order="yes" stop_on_error="no" title="API Job for Yet Another Data Exchange"> <description> <include file="jobs/jadeJob.xml"> </include></description></job> <params > <param name="operation" value="copy"/> <param name="target_user" value="abc"/> <param name="file_path" value="${SCHEDULER_PARAM_SCHEDULER_FILE_NAME}"/>...

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