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  • Posted a comment on ticket #42 on NetTime

    OK, do you have another computer that is also running all of the time? If so, you could set that up with NetTime to act as a server and configure your laptop with this issue to sync to it.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #42 on NetTime

    Hi Marek, Thanks for that. I've taken a look at your log file and I've gone and taken a look at the NetTime source code as well: NetTime already actually works pretty much as you're suggesting: It stores the number of seconds until the next sync is due and decrements that counter every second until it reaches 0 and then does a regular sync then. From your log files, I'm guessing that you're right that there's something wrong with the real time clock in your laptop and the problem is coming about...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #42 on NetTime

    Hi Marek, That does seem rather odd. It sounds like the time has gone backwards, but NetTime should be detecting that and try to sync straight away. If the network is down at the time, it should detect when the network goes back up and then do a sync then. It might be worth emailing a full copy of your log file just so that I can get a better idea of what's actually going on. It might still be worth doing as you suggest, however it's also possible that something else is going on which is affecting...

  • Posted a comment on ticket #41 on NetTime

    You can effectively do this already by running the program with the /synconce command line parameter. Make sure that it is run with administrator privileges.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #40 on NetTime

    Yes, that's correct.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #40 on NetTime

    That's basically how NetTime already works.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #40 on NetTime

    Hi Joao, I'll look at adding NTS support to a future version of NetTime. If configured with multiple servers, NetTime will already check with additional servers if there is a large time disparity between the current time on the server and time returned by the first server and then ignore any time that is too far out.

  • Posted a comment on ticket #39 on NetTime

    Although I understand the reason for wanting this, I don't think that it really fits into the core functionality for NetTime. I think that it would be better implemented as a separate program rather than bloating NetTime with a feature that most people don't need.

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2000-09-26 10:42:55


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