User Activity

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on Wikibook Ada Programming

    creating a containers_vectors alire crate would really be helpful. wink, wink, nudge, nudge. I'll do it when I find some free time slot.

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on Wikibook Ada Programming

    Yes, it makes sense to organize the examples by the chapter where they are. All the vector examples were main programs, so no problem there on that regard. But all the main procedures are named the same and I put them in separate files named by the subsection. They raise the usual warning, but it seems acceptable. By the way, I thought the Template:Ada/Sourceforge would point to these new files after using it in the page, but it is still pointing to the Subversion repository, which is not synchronize....

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on Wikibook Ada Programming

    Hi Martin, I wanted to do this commit in a branch for you to review before merging, but I didn't realize that I was not on my new branch until after the push. Let me know if something should be changed or added for coherency or whatever. Best regards, Manuel

  • Committed [58d2cb] on Git

    Examples for Ada Programming/Libraries/Ada.Containers.Vectors

  • Posted a comment on discussion Developers on Wikibook Ada Programming

    I support the idea of using Alire. It makes sense not only for facilitating building but also to include the examples in the Alire index, so people find then and download them easily. Something like the idea of learnxinyminutes:

  • Committed [d90457] on Git

    ada-to-wiki.el is a translator from Ada text to MediWiKi text, written in

  • Committed [6cadd6] on Git

    Container samples by Georg Bauhaus

  • Committed [76b406] on Git

    Container Samples by Georg Bauhaus.

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2004-07-04 16:24:16


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